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Golf-Specific Fitness Training

Golf-Specific Fitness vs. General Gym Training: Tailoring Your Regimen for the Green

June 07, 20243 min read

Golf Fitness Training

Are you training hard at the gym but not seeing improvements in your golf game? The issue might be what you're training for—not how hard you're training. 

Why General Gym Training Isn't Enough for Golfers

Whilst you may already have a gym membership or even a personal trainer, are you really clear about the objective of your fitness training? Are you thinking about quality movement in vertical, pull, push and chopping patterns? What about the type of training and exercise selection to improve your game? If you’re not addressing your training sessions with golf specific movement it could be time to get focused.

The Focus of General Fitness Programs 

In a traditional gym setting fitness programmes tend to be fairly broad with a big focus on weight loss and muscle gain which is great if your goal is weight loss and muscle gain, and when I worked in a big box gym that was 95% of my clients. But as a golfer who wants to move better for golf don’t you want something more specific than the average Joe in the gym?

Limitations for Golfers at Traditional Gyms

Sitting on machines at the gym doing 3 sets of 10 or training like a bodybuilder instead of golf specific fitness isn’t going to make a huge difference on your golf performance. General fitness plans will deliver general results, and don’t get me wrong this is great if general fitness is your goal.

I was a personal trainer for many years before specialising in golf fitness, and the way I train my general fitness clients and my golf fitness clients differs greatly. Not all programmes are the same, my programmes are created specifically for each client based on how their body moves currently, their unique goals and of course any limitations or injuries.

The Advantages of Golf-Specific Fitness Programs

Training for golf fitness will not only improve the quality of your movement, strength and power to improve your golf, it will also aid you in maintaining a healthy body weight, metabolism and reduce the risk of disease.

Tailored Exercises for Golfers

At Swing Fit we concentrate on aspects of golf fitness such as rotational strength, balance, and flexibility—all key elements for an optimal golf swing. Training sessions consist of functional movement, strength, power, speed and athleticism with proven training formulas to ensure your success.

How Golf-Specific Training Improves Your Game

Golf-specific fitness offers numerous benefits, enhancing both performance and overall health. Your body functional movement training will help you move better allowing you to find your optimal swing. Strength and power training will give you greater consistency and distance in shots. Additionally, you’ll be  preventing injuries by targeting muscles and movements specific to the sport. 

Another bonus of regular fitness is a boost in endurance, allowing you to maintain focus and energy throughout a round. Ultimately our proven training formulas lead to better performance on and off the course.

Ready to take your golf game to the next level? Book a personalised golf fitness assessment with us today and see real results on the course!

GolfGolf FitnessGolf Fitness TrainingGolf Specific Fitness Training
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Sare Carpenter

Sare is a TPI certified golf fitness expert.

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