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The #1 thing golfers need to know to play consistently and pain free!!

November 02, 20232 min read

Your game will only be as good as your body moves.

Golf Fitness

If you spend all day sitting in your car, at a desk then on your sofa with the occasional bit of walking for a bit of exercise then your body is really only moving in one plane of motion.

But golf involves multiple planes of motion that most people don’t access on a daily basis. We don’t even need to rotate to reverse the car anymore thanks to reversing cameras. 

Our bodies function on a use it or lose it basis, if we don’t actively work on our mobility and stability we lose it, then you go out to swing a club and wonder why you feel tightness, pain and older than you should be. 

Great mobility and stability in all the right places should be an active focus for anyone wanting to play golf consistently and pain free.

If your body is too stable or stuck where it should be mobile or too mobile where it should be stable then dysfunction and compensatory patterns will occur, likely in everyday life and almost definitely it will affect your body swing connection. 

Let’s define mobility. Mobility is the combination of having a normal range of motion through your joints and muscular flexibility that allows for good movement.

Having the freedom of motion to move with proper mechanics without sacrificing stability is key to injury prevention. 

Stability on the other hand is all about maintaining your alignment against changing positions or outside forces and this requires you to have strength, muscular endurance and balance.

Your body is designed in an alternating pattern of stable and mobile segments, if we break it down:

Your foot should be stable whilst your ankle should be mobile. Your knees should be stable and your hips mobile. Your pelvis and lumbar spine should be stable and your thoracic spine should be mobile. Your scapular (shoulder blades) should be stable whilst your shoulder joint should be mobile and then stable elbows and mobile wrists. 

Golf requires your body to have the ability to keep the stable segments secure and in place whilst the mobile segments are doing the work to generate speed, power and consistency throughout your swing. 

If you can do this, you’ll enjoy pain free golf. If you can’t schedule a TPI Golf Fitness Assessment Screen, we’ll get you sorted.

#golffitnesscoach #exercise #golfperformance #personaltrainer

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Sare Carpenter

Sare is a TPI certified golf fitness expert.

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