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How Every Golfer Can Play Better Golf Consistently

November 14, 20231 min read

Just about every golfer wants to improve consistency in their game. Whether it’s more consistent performance or more consistency in your swing or being able to move your body consistently without niggling pain and injuries, we all wish there was some part of our game we could improve. 

Golf Performance Consistent

Take inspiration from the pro’s, here’s 4 ways habits that when done consistently can help you improve your game. 

  1. Eat a balanced diet.

    Not just good for sustainable energy around the course but also to manage your body composition. If you’re carrying extra weight around your midsection your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke increases. It also gets harder to maintain posture through your swing which in turn affects your performance on the golf course.

  2. Get enough sleep.

    Sleep affects your cognitive and physical performance in both the long and short term. As a personal trainer I’ve noticed the correlation between tiredness and the impact it has on training and performance.

  3. Train hard.

    All the pro golfers know they need more than natural talent, they need athletic ability. Many pro’s also work with a TPI golf fitness coach to ensure they’re getting exercises specific to improving balance, mobility, core strength and rotational power.

  4. Move more, play more.

    Spending too much time sitting has been dubbed as the new smoking, ie it’s really bad for your health. Not all movement has to be ‘a workout’. The more incidental movement you can get in your day the better.

In summary, consistent golf performance on the course comes from developing regular healthy habits off the course. When you’re ready to get serious about improving your golf fitness and performance book your golf fitness movement screen here to get started.

#TPIgolffitness coach #Exercise for golfers #Golfperformance #Personaltrainer

consistent golf performancegolf performancetpi golf fitness coach
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Sare Carpenter

Sare is a TPI certified golf fitness expert.

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